Zwei Menschen die sich lieben und ihr Leben miteinander teilen, sollen dies auch durch das Schließen der Ehe zeigen dürfen. Ganz egal ob Mann und Frau, Mann und Mann oder Frau und Frau. Seit 2017 ist dies auch endlich in Deutschland möglich. Trotzdem gibt es heute noch immer viele Menschen (auch in Deutschland), die gegen …
Kirche und Homosexualität. Geht das überhaupt? #REALTALK
Kirche steht für Mitmenschlichkeit, Nächstenliebe und Gemeinschaft. Doch was ist, wenn Du schwul bist, geschieden oder nicht getauft? Dann sieht es manchmal etwas anders aus.. Unzählige Gerichtsverfahren laufen gegen die christliche Kirche – größtenteils wegen Diskriminierung. Diskriminierung von Frauen, von geschiedenen Menschen, von anders-gläubigen Menschen oder homosexuellen/transsexuellen Menschen. Unglaublich, und das obwohl die Kirche ein …
To the friend who broke my heart, thank you.
It hurts like hell when I think about you and what you did. Every memory of us kills me today. Yes, you hurt me when you chose him over me. You see, if he was just a man I wouldn’t be writing this letter. If he was just a man, you and I would still …
THAT’S MODERN DATING or: how to win the love game
About a year ago I became single again after years of being taken. So without any preparation I was pushed into a dating world I wasn’t ready for. In the last few years there popped up new dating trends like ghosting, nettflix and chill, soft nexting and breezing, which I couldn’t handle. Modern dating isn’t …
Why do we seek for toxic guys?
There are two types of guys: The one that loves you from the bottom of his heart, who probably works his ass off to support you and faithfully lies next to you each night. The one you know who is excited to see you, who you know will be happy when you call and who …
Stop apologizing for simply existing
I realized that I was saying sorry for everything that I wasn’t sorry for and for so many things I even didn’t need to apologize for. And, I realized that other people also apologized way too often for things they don’t need to apologize for. I think we often apologize assuming that people will appreciate …
How to be single and happy
We often act like being single is one of the hardest penalties life can offer you. We act like just because we are single that means that we are going to die alone. It means that we are never finding our soul mate. We don’t have time to stop, to think about ourselves, about our …
How to overcome emotional dependency
Sometimes we want another person so much on our side. We want to hear their voice, and draw their attention. Often, we cannot just stop thinking about this one single person day and night. Of course, this is not bad in general. But many people tend to become dependent on the attention of that other …
To the people I hurt while trying to love myself, I apologize.
I am sorry. Before you roll your eyes again and turn away from this, just hear me out. The purpose of this letter is not to make you feel guilty towards me or that I represent myself in a bright light. The purpose of this letter is to acknowledge what I’ve done wrong. I used …